Accra [dot] Alt presented chalewote street art festival 2013 on the 7th and 8th of September.
The exciting build up to this year's Chalewote street art festival was contagious.
I had not been part of previous ones and was really looking forward to it.
No amount of words can describe the fun,the excitement and the MAGIC.
The stunts, cultural performances,kick boxing ,the people.......
Jamestown saw an array of people passing through, photographers, designers, models,bloggers,lovers of art and others who came to satisfy their curiosity.
Day one was all sunny and bright and Day two ironically was a rainy cloudy day.
I saw Jamestown in a whole new light,Well as a model i discovered a few places to have a fun photoshoot.
I had so much fun walking from one end of the festival to the other,even my fragile bones didn't complain lol
Hopefully will see you at next year's event.
Some pictures and videos from the event are below
Videos by FashionistaGh
Pictures by Lightville Photography and Mumble photography
nice video and pictures.looks like a fun event